Baan Sabaay is an emergency shelter for HIV/AIDS clients in Chiang Mai who find themselves in times of crisis.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The aging population in Thailand

By Dr. Saad Chaiwan

Before talking about using Baan Sabaay, offered by Mrs. Jaruwan Wutti, as a meeting and recreation center for the aging people.  It might be more appropriate to render a little bit about the aging situation in Thailand; so that one would appreciate how necessary it is to care for the elderly people not only in Thailand but also all over the world.

1. Personality traits of the Elderly

Generally speaking, aging people all over the world meant lack of employment, inadequate economic support, social isolation, and serious material deprivation.  They are formally retired from their full time work at the age of 60.  A sixty year old person today is physically and emotionally more like the 50 year old of a generation ago.

The Old as Wise

Most aging people are wise.  They have potential.  The aging persons not only know themselves well, but they know what human life is all about and what makes people tick.  Aging people discover their direction in the midst of ambivalence.  They know how to differentiate between the substantive and inconsiderable matters.  They know what is important and knows how to compromise.  Lived experience has given them vast knowledge and wisdom to discern what is good or evil.   That is why some of these elderly people have been chosen as private counselors and court counselors since the ancient history of many countries including Israel and the Middle East.  These people are counted among the wise as skillful in all wisdom, endowed with knowledge, understanding, learning and competent to serve in the King's palace.

The Old as a Learner

Some aging people in Thailand try to keep up with advanced science and technology by returning to the classroom and entering the studio, computer lab  and their own workshops.  They are taking new risks and reaping rewards.
For example, Mr. Kamol Boonprom, former director of Chiang Mai International School, was retired at 60 many years ago.  He entered the computer lab at a vocational school in Chiang Mai.  He inspired many people of his aging peers to  return to the classroom and reinvent their lives.  These people really challenge many aging people in keeping up themselves to the advanced society.

The Old as Health Pioneer

Most aging persons have a better education and wrapped up with knowledge, wisdom and experience.  In this case I would like to share with everyone about my experience of taking health care of the prostate cancer, which I have inevitably become both a patient and a healer as well.
In 1999, after retirement from Payap University, I was informed by the doctor of the largest government hospital in Chiang Mai, Thailand, that I had prostate cancer, and that it was nearly in the final stage.  I was shocked when I heard about it.  The doctor outlined three options for treatment which I might choose: surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.  In fact, if we have surgical treatment, the others usually follow.

In the natural health care, one must pay due attention seriously to eating a vegetarian diet.  From my research and experience there is evidence that plenty of fruits and vegetables have cancer curing and cancer preventative properties.  Especially the brassica vegetables, such as cabbage, broccoli and kale contain anti-carcinogenic compounds, which prompt or stimulate cancer cells to die off.  The vegetables have strong purifying effects on the tissues and blood.  Eating them regularly greatly reduces overall toxicity and eliminates the body's need for cancer cells.

Besides eating vegetables, there are protein, trans-fats and salted elements which must be strictly avoided.  Most consumption in relation to cancer risk has been reported in over a hundred epidemiological studies from many countries with diverse diets.  The most blood thickening agent is food protein, particularly if it is derived from an animal source.  Protein and trans-fats attach themselves to the cells in the body, thereby making it difficult for cells to receive enough oxygen, glucose, nutrients and even water.  Oxygen deprived, dehydrated cells become damaged and turn cancerous.  Therefore, I have to avoid consuming protein and trans-fats and salted elements all together.

Another natural treatment is exercise.  The benefits of exercise are not limited to helping treatment related fatigue.  In fact, exercise actually contributes to curing cancer.  Cancer cells are typically oxygen deprived and exercise is a direct way to deliver extra oxygen to the cells throughout the body and improve the immune system.  One study confirmed that women who walked more than one hour a week after their cancer diagnosis were less likely to die of their breast cancer.

Last, but not least is prayer.  Paul stresses that we can take anything to God in prayer (Philippians 4:6).  It is in everything including our sickness that we are to make prayer and supplication with thanks giving.  As it has been beautifully put  "There is nothing too great for God's power and nothing too small for His fatherly care".  He said to Israel  "I am the LORD, your healer"  (Exodus 15:26).  I therefore take prostate cancer to Him in prayer and supplication day and night.  He heals me from all my sickness and suffering.  Thus I have never met any medical doctor since 1999, because He has graciously taken away all my sickness ever since.
Despite the cancer's dangerous stage, I am not well off.  I therefore asked for four months to make my decision.  The doctor said that it was too long.  I insisted on four months for decision making.  In the course of waiting, I contacted some cancer centers, particularly in the United States, to get some information and documents concerning the development of prostate cancer and the side effects of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.  After four months I have made my absolute decision not to get medical treatments, though I have to use some medical products, such as Vitamin C, selenium, Omega 3 etc.  These are some other less risky ways of treatment, particularly natural health care
2. The Physio-socioeconomic Problems of Old Age

When people become older they mostly face  physical, social and economic problems.  These significant problems bring about a great loss to their life.

Physical Problems

Physical and bodily sickness becomes a great problem for many older people.  Bodily changes in the latter quarter of life affect almost everything in his or her life including appearance, physical functioning and health.  One of the most dreaded bodily problems of old age is the problem of declining health.  Ill health can wipe out a sense of hope and peace, even block the feeling of being loved.

The dreaded illnesses of our times are the problems of cancer and mental functioning.  Most elderly people who have cancer tend to commit suicide.  Because they feel that it is an incurable disease.  Another one is Alzheimer disease.  This illness can destroy the whole family system.  Although severe dementia resulting from Alzheimer's disease affects only 1% of persons 65-74 years old, but the ratio is increased while aging persons become older.

Economic Problems

The economic problem of old age comes at retirement.  We have to admit that the loss of a job due to retirement surely means the loss of income.  Many elderly people live insufferably below the poverty level.  During their careers twenty years ago, their income was even ten times less than the present one.  Such small amount of income unavoidably brings about serious economic problems to the family which has to pay bills.

Many people felt that the elderly person have an immense financial burden society bears in caring for medical needs.  In addition to the monetary costs of aging people care, there are physical and mental costs in taking care of their living expenses.

Thus basic needs are blocked in old age, especially for those who live with inadequate financial resources to obtain sufficient food, clothing, shelter and health care.  Safety and security needs are blocked when people live in excessive vulnerability or without assurance that they can care for themselves or be cared for in the future.  If such economic problems of the elderly go unmet there can never be joy or happiness in their last quarter of life.

3. Social Isolation

The retirement age in Thailand begins at 60 years of age.  People in their 60's still look young as though they were only 50.  Since you are officially stigmatized as a retiree, nobody pays due attention to you and your gifted capabilities.  You may be left alone socially and economically.  Of course there is a financial life support from the government for everyone ranging from 500 baht to 1,000 baht per month.  Unfortunately, this amount of money certainly only lasts for only a week.  It is not sufficient for the present economic and physical needs.  An aging person without financial resources is in a Northern Thai saying "compared with a rotted log without mushrooms (Khon mai mii hed), it must be totally abandoned.

Baan Sabaay:  An Aging People's Center

A couple of weeks ago Mrs. Jaruwan Wutti of the Church of Christ in Thailand AIDS Ministry (CAM) told me that she would like to use one of the Baan Sabaay's buildings as a meeting and recreating center for the elderly people.  I was grateful for her sincere concern about the aging population.  On behalf of the aging people I would like to express our profound appreciation and heartfelt thanks to Mrs Jaruwan for her kind support and encouragement.  Making significant contributions to the aging people through investment of time, talent, material and financial resources can provide them with moral and spiritual support.
When a person is overwhelmed with serious medical problems and needs moral and spiritual support, the presence or contribution of a caregiver can provide some soothing balm.

The center will be mostly used for both recreation and meetings for the aging people.  As an aging person I hope many good things will come out of this special center, such as sharing our experiences in coping with economic, physical and health care problems amidst social isolation and financial difficulties.

Baan Sabaay may also be an appropriate place for Bible Study, dialogues and meditation, since most of us are in the latter quarter of life.  Old age is a fruitful time for spiritual interest and development.   The benefits aging people receive through their religious faith and spiritual life are undoubtedly  awesome.

Some might want to know more about the meaning of life and curiosity about forgiveness of sins, shortcomings and salvation.  Religious faith can yield an experience of the most profound acceptance and love.  The center will certainly be an ideal place for sharing experiences and religious conviction.

However, there is only an empty building standing in the midst of the natural environment.  We therefore need some furniture and other facilities including tea pots and cups.  There is no budget at all for other expenses such as coffee, meals during the meetings.  Since the aging persons are retired, if there are some financial support for their transportation it would surely be greatly appreciated.

Hoping that our dream will materialize sooner or later.